A Metonymic Community. Towards Poetics Of Contingency

In his 2001 book with the programmatic title Community: Seeking Safety in an Insecure World, Zygmunt Bauman sketches in an almost stereotypical way a concept of community, one that not only seems to be far away, sunken into history, but that, for all that we know, might never actually have existed: a community that is […]

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Das Scheitern des Zeugnis-Ablegens – eine Analyse des Films ŚWIEŻE WIŚNIE

Im APPENDIX (2010), der als Ergänzung zum Film ŚWIEŻE WIŚNIE entstand, spricht die Schauspielerin Klara Bielawka darüber, welche Wirkung das ehemalige Lager in Falstad auf sie hat: «Ich bin zum ersten Mal in einem Konzentrationslager, aber das macht keinen Eindruck auf mich.» Was sich einst an diesem Ort ereignet hat, ist für Klara nicht erfahrbar, […]

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Towards an Aesthetics of Common/s: Beyond Participation and its Post

What is produced in the process beyond the community and the social? And what material and discursive results are created by participatory practices and artworks? Magda Tyżlik-Carver looks at Yoko Ono’s Cut Pieces and at the social sphere of social media to consider what aesthetics of common/s might be in a post-participatory age.

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