Die Chöre der Angekommenen. Eine indiskrete Platzbefragung

Drei Jahre lang war der Berliner Oranienplatz von Geflüchteten und ihren Unterstützer*innen besetzt. Im April 2014 wurde der Platz geräumt und damit auch der Protest gegen die Residenzpflicht und Abschiebepraxis mit Polizeigewalt beendet. Das Schwabinggrad Ballett und die aus der Refugee-Gruppe «Lampedusa in Hamburg» hervorgegangenen Arrivati haben Besetzer*innen interviewt und die Konflikte in die «Chöre […]

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«The silence on the streets should never be mistaken for a quiet submission in politics» – An interview with Shaj Mohan

In the interview with Krithika Varagur philosopher Shaj Mohan talks about the protests in India and its similarities to the situation in the United States. He points out that what we perceive as extreme events, such as pogroms and lynching, are prepared by everyday discriminations.

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The Sociology of Belarusian Protest. A webinar

Belarusian voices are few and far between in international debates about the ongoing protests in Belarus. In this webinar, Belarusian sociologists will share their views and analysis of the current protest wave. Among other things, they discuss the role of striking workers; class, gender, and violence; patterns of mobilization and self-organization; the mobilizing effects of trauma; the impact of urban space; the legacy of previous protests; the role of protest in forging different types of communities; and the ways in which the post-industrial shift and other long-term transformations in Belarusian society have affected its political economy.

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