Communitas: Globale Problemlösung oder unmögliche Theorie?

Der Communitas-Begriff ist für das Verständnis und die Analyse von Kultur unabdingbar. Jeder Mensch und jede Kultur ist von Beziehungen geformt und umgeben – in einer Communitas könnten diese Beziehungen zahllose Krisen verhindern. Ist eine globale Gemeinschaft vorstellbar, die in egalitärer Entscheidungsfindung globale Probleme löst und abwendet? Und kann der Begriff dabei helfen, globale Krisen und Beziehungen besser zu verstehen? Ein Essay.

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Transformation. Memory and Matter in Early Polish Capitalism

The process of political and economic transformation which started in Poland in the late eighties is narrated in terms of regaining freedom and establishing democracy. The end of the totalitarian regime also brought the end of censorship and political persecution, the beginning of the free market, and the free flow of commodities. However, on the […]

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The Diasporic Schools: A lecture by Achille Mbembe

In his online-lecture for the Public Program of The Diasporic Schools, organised by the Kunstenfestivaldesarts Bruxelles, Achille Mbembe shares some of his thoughts about reparative globalism and the possibility of thinking about a common world in the anthropogenic age. Grounding his reflection in the African diasporic experience and its “fundamental precariousness”, he invites to “rethink […]

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